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The Evergladez
The Evergladez: Image
The Evergladez
Length - 17'8
Beam - 70"
Weight - 350 lbs
Draft - 6'
The Evergladez: Text
The Evergladez: Gallery
The Evergladez skiff built by Spear boatworks is truly the only no compromise skiff I’ve ever been in. I’ve been in them all and even tried to build my own. Harry has a lifetime of experience fishing, running skiffs, and a supernatural feel for what works. Nothing even comes close to its ability to get canoe shallow, ride comfortably in a chop and stay dry. It’s fast and efficient weather running or being poled. It’s strong, sound , and lighter than anything else you can buy without all the smoke and mirrors of fancy materials and huge price tags. I am a full time fishing guide and I excel in every way due to this skiff and never feel beat up at the end of the day.
Captain Brian Esposito
The Evergladez: Quote
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